

Panoramic Photography

From exploring the beauty of Cal Poly Pomona’s campus, this panoramic photo study was taken at the campus’ outdoor amphitheater at Lyle Center of Regenerative Studies. This mosaic has been a hidden gem for Cal Poly Pomona students as the Lyle Center is a far and isolated part of the university—tucked in at the end of campus and up a hill. For students who do know about this place, it’s a secret go-to spot for senior graduation photos because it features a beautiful mosaic and is secluded from the rest of campus.

Waterdance was unveiled to the school on October 19, 2006. The mosaic mural was designed by Cal Poly Pomona Department of Art professor, Joyce Hesselgrave, and constructed with the help of about 50 students. The process took over a year to create with thousands of pieces of glass. The mosaic was inspired by the Lyle Center’s topographical map and its special resource of water. Unfortunately after being installed for over 10 years, Waterdance was taken down from the stairsteps of the amphitheater.