Pocket-Top Pattern-01.png


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1st Place winner in Marketplace Business Simulations for MHR 423: Creating a Business Plan

Pocket-Top is a microcomputer business founded by five Cal Poly Pomona students in a business simulation. We all came from different backgrounds and specialties, which allowed us to design product lines of microcomputers with great quality and functionality. In today’s modern age, the usage of efficient technology is vastly important. Pocket-Top strives to make lives easier for people through high tech computers to give them the power to create and revolutionize the way they live.

As an assigned team, we had to compete against other class-assigned teams in a business simulation by managing a new microcomputer business. Week-to-week, we have to make executive decisions to improve the company, gain profit share, and grow the microcomputer business to set our company apart from other teams.

Team Members

Vice President of Business Analytics
Russell Payne

Vice President of Human Resources
Suet Kwan Ng

Vice President of Manufacturing
Amy Myers

Vice President of Marketing
Jay Pham

Vice President of Sales Management
Flor “Toni” Nguyen